SpringBeauties / earrach(c)2012
Wonderful, how those two words pair-up so nicely,especially for those of us sharing this heady confluence of love for Nature, Life, Season, Spirit... and Source. May the Waters of Life flow strongly for you and yours throughout this sacred springtide.
Hard running spring in the Boyce-Mayview woods (Click HERE for video) earrach (c)2012
this year I've begun a project of capturing and sharing the faces and voices of these overflowing grails, these fonts of holiness, as they spill out their blessings upon the root-wrapped altars of the leafy cathedrals around us. Their cold clear chattering, their murmur and babble, these little springs are the choirs and secret voice of the Mother, calling us back, singing to us the hymn of our origins.
Instruct us, heal us, and bless us o holy waters;
for at length, we have come to listen...
- E.
============= MORE SPRING STUFF:
Last year's Ramps adventure...
My Lifelong Love Affair with Springs...
Druidism and the Spirit of Nature...
A Blessed Beltane to All(2009/1995)
Trillium in Boyce woods / earrach 2012