To me, the Rites of the Wheel are primarily for the celebration of seasonal mysteries, not just being occasional opportunities to call on certain deities and pay tribute to them...
Unfortunately I fear many ADF groves out there these days are only doing the lesser model. It seems that the seasonal content I hold to be fundamental to our Work is held to be secondary or sometimes even virtually irrelevant to the setup many of their high-day rites. Such an outcome is utterly abhorrent to my vision of Our Druidry.
Sorting out the seasonal, symbolic and practical meanings related to a high day is
a very important process in having things end up “making sense” and thereby having
your annual round of liturgical works become a dynamic, interrelated system - rather than just a series of thematically
disparate ‘events’.
The "standard" Neopagan names for the High Days are not carved in stone.
The current revised set of names, fair to everybody, Celt or Norse, USA or Australian, goes as follows:
December Solstice;
February Crossquarter;
March Equinox;
May Crossquarter
June Solstice;
August Crossquarter;
September Equinox;
November Crossquarter.
Nornic Modalities :
Through Present Verdandi Presently
To Future Skuld Consequentially…
Seasonal Delineators :
What’s peaking? = The beginning of the end of...
What’s finally
ending? = The end of...
What’s beginning? = The beginning of…
Symmetry : oppositional relationships across
the Wheel…
is opposite Summer Solstice
Imbolc is opposite Lughnasa
Eqx. is opposite September Eqx.
is opposite Samhain
A good exercise:
Come up with a sensible and
dynamically functional justification for the following: “Why would ( “should”)
Imbolc/Brigantia be held on the
February crossquarter-day instead of some other time of year...
(ewes and lambs excluded) ?” - see " **Answer..." at bottom of page...
(ewes and lambs excluded) ?” - see " **Answer..." at bottom of page...
Think back / think
The core of this factor is about seeing if there is a
sensible relationship between this rite and the last and/or this rite and the next - but make sure
you’re not just duplicating one of the following...
Beware of the Neopagan
You’ll have to
make a decision. These simply can’t all be “right”…
HINT: Clear this
up by using the Seasonal Delineators above.
Candle-rite: Samhain
Candle-rite: Yule;
Candle-rite: Imbolc.
Springtime! Imbolc
Springtime! VernEqx
Springtime! Beltaine
Wedding rite: Betaine**
Wedding rite: Summer Solstice
Wedding rite: Lughnasa
Harvest! Lughnassad
Harvest! AutEqx
Harvest! Samhain
Harvest! Lughnassad
Harvest! AutEqx
Harvest! Samhain
Dark Descent: AutEqx
Dark Descent: Samhain
Dark Descent: Yule
…leading consequently to the familiar June-weddings custom
The Methodology of
the Mysteries
The Rites of
Eleusis, the grand religious initiatory celebration of the ancient Greeks
was performed continually for nearly 1400 years and thereby developed a
specific and apparently very effective set of operants for the dispensing of
its profound mystery-teaching. A writer contemporary with the Rites tells us
that the Eleusinian Mysteries were delivered through a sequence of special
the dromena “things acted”,
the legomena “things said”,
the deiknymena “things shown”
AND so, we put it all together, and come up with a map...
from the "Seasons of a Life" diagram?
IMO, we have an opportunity to discover a dynamic here having begun at the midnight NATIVITY of the December Solstice, carrying-forward its infant through the next step of its WEANING here in the FebXQ (hence the recurrent milk-themes), to its inevitable Indo-European life-step of FOSTERAGE, wherein the child now can first be handed-off into the care and tualage of someone other than strictly its mother; i.e. day-care, kindergarten, and “school”. So, in the Nornic modality of “From/Through/To”, the Mystery of Brigantia / Imbolc can be summed-up in the phrase “From Nativity, through Weaning, to Fosterage”. In support of this I offer the fact of the traditional image of Brigid to the Irish and Scottish was that she was the “Foster-Mother of Christ”, and figurehead-matron of their people.
from the "Seasons of a Life" diagram?
IMO, we have an opportunity to discover a dynamic here having begun at the midnight NATIVITY of the December Solstice, carrying-forward its infant through the next step of its WEANING here in the FebXQ (hence the recurrent milk-themes), to its inevitable Indo-European life-step of FOSTERAGE, wherein the child now can first be handed-off into the care and tualage of someone other than strictly its mother; i.e. day-care, kindergarten, and “school”. So, in the Nornic modality of “From/Through/To”, the Mystery of Brigantia / Imbolc can be summed-up in the phrase “From Nativity, through Weaning, to Fosterage”. In support of this I offer the fact of the traditional image of Brigid to the Irish and Scottish was that she was the “Foster-Mother of Christ”, and figurehead-matron of their people.